Reading Notes: West African Folktales, Part B

Story source: West African Folktales by William H. Barker and Cecilia Sinclair, with drawings by Cecilia Sinclair (1917).

The Moon and Stars
  • Anansi-greedy trickster
  • Kweku Tsin- his son, good-hearted, sometimes can outwit dad
  • A dragon takes both to his castle, where there are other hostages
  • The dragon's servant, a rooster, looks over them
  • Kweku distracts the rooster w/ rice and throws a rope up to the heavens
  • The hostages start climbing
  • The dragon starts climbing, but Kweku throws bones behind him and plays the fiddle
  • The dragon has to eat bones and return to the ground to dance
  • Kweku cuts the rope
  • Gods happy w/ Kweku saving everyone so they make him the sun, the dad the moon, and his friends the stars
Dragon (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

How the Tortoise got its Shell
  • Chief sent servants to prep for yam festival
  • Mr. Klo was sent to get palm wine from Koklovi who own the palm fields
  • Koklovi says Klo must fight him in order to get all the palm trees
  • Klo won and put all the wine in his pot and carried the trees on his back
  • He was drunk and it was raining so he was late for the yam festival
  • The party was so noisey that no one could hear him knocking on the doors
  • It rained for 2mo and Klo had died outside, w/ the trees laying on top of him
  • When people finally came out of the palace and dug him up
  • The pot and dust had caked together to form a shell
  • They took him back to the palace and gave him meds
  • He was brought back to life, but now he crept along the floor with a shell on his back

Tortoise (Source: Pixabay)


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