Reading Notes: Japanese Mythology, Part A
Kobayashi Izanami and Izanagi (Source: Wikipedia)
Story Source: Romance of Old Japan, Part I: Mythology and Legend by E. W. Champney and F. Champney (1917)
Izanagi and Izanami
- Style - mix of prose and verse
- Izanagi: god of heavens
- Izanami: goddess of love
- They married at the beginning of time
- She gave birth to more gods, humans, beasts, fish, everything...
- She gives birth to Amaterasu (important god in Shinto religion)
- Izanagi lets her be the goddess of light in heaven
- Her siblings become the gods of the sea and the moon
- Ianami loved her earth children (humans) and continued adding to their world
- The gods eventually tell her to go live with the humans since she loves them more
- She ends up giving birth to Kagutsuchi (god of fire) who burns her as he is delivered
- Before she dies she gives birth to the god of water to help temper his brother and prevent him from spreading evil
- Izanagi is so upset by the death of his wife, he tries to find her on earth, but ends up residing on an isle in an eternal gloom
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