Feedback Thoughts
Feedback (Source: Pexels)
Learning how to take and give constructive criticism is something we should all aim to work on. I read the ABC Radio article "A fixed mindset could be holding you back — here's how to change it," and it described the importance of being comfortable with making mistakes and learning from them. This is something that I have a hard time with because I am often a perfectionist and get easily discouraged when I don't meet my own expectations. This also leads to procrastination since I'm avoiding the idea of failing. But I've gotten a lot better recently and I think it is because I took the advice that was mentioned in this article and acknowledged that I had a fixed mindset and worked on looking at each mistake as a opportunity for growth. "Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt in Creative Work" was also an interesting read and gave great ways to overcome the bad habit of not trusting yourself. One of the steps they included was to give yourself reasonable goals. This something I've employed in my life in order to be more productive and mitigate my perfectionist tendencies. It isn't easy, but realizing that there will always be room for improvement no matter what you do eases the burden of trying to avoid failure and will ultimately make you a better person.
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