Time Stategies


Time Management (Source: Pixabay)

I've had issues with time management in the past. I was a huge procrastinator and got easily distracted when trying to finish assignments on time. I've gotten a lot better in recent years, but procrastination is still an issue for me and I need to be extra careful this year since this is my last semester and I'm taking 18 credit hours. One of the ways I try to organize my schedule is by keeping a physical planner. I forget things pretty easily, so having a place to write down everything I need to do and upcoming due dates and appointments is very useful to me. Using a planner also means I get to use colorful pens and highlighters which is a bonus since I'm a sucker for stationery. I'm also a huge list-writer so the article "How Checklists Train Your Brain To Be More Productive And Goal-Oriented" by Lauren Marchese was an interesting read. She mentions that the brain releases dopamine even during small feelings of success. Dopamine is connected to the feeling of motivation, which is why setting short-term and realistic goals can make you feel more productive and encourages you to keep working. I love checking things off my lists and can definitely understand how gamifying mundane tasks will help you stay focused and motivated throughout the day.

To-do list (Source: Pixabay)


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